‘The Real Ones’ - Literature and articles on G&L
‘The Real Ones’ - Literature and articles on G&L
Throughout the now 40+ year history of G&L, they have been covered in many an article in a wide variety of publications, past and present: 20th Century Guitar Magazine, Guitar Magazine, Guitar Player Magazine, Guitar World Magazine, Musician’s Magazine, Premier Guitar Magazine, ToneQuest Report, and Vintage Guitar Magazine. Covers of those in my possession are shown below. Some reviews included below were subsequently used by G&L as promo material dealers could hand out to prospective customers. Those labeled as such can be found in the following chapters nestled between other marketing material. Some others can be found among the pictures for a contemporaneous model in this collection when that model is being reviewed. Where applicable, an online version of a given article can be accesses by clicking on the title in the table below. Note that the triplet of articles published by Greg Gagliano in the May/June/July 2005 issues of 20th Century Guitar Magazine are de facto a summary of all his descriptions of different ASAT guitars on his wonderful ggjaguar.com website. Unfortunately 20th Century Guitar Magazine went out of business in late-2008 and I had overlooked these issues when originally published. It was by sheer luck that I found somebody who still had all three. But again, if you read through Greg’s website, you basically read these articles and more! Likewise, many of Willie G. Moseley’s Bass Spaces columns published in Vintage Guitar Magazine over the years have been collated in his 2018 book “The Bass Space: Profiles of Classic Electric Basses”.
Articles related to G&L