G&L tech resources: Pickups


Around 1983, Leo Fender designed the HG-2R “Angled Offset”, a slanted version of the Magnetic Field Design (MFD), although marketing material referred to it as an “Offset-Humbucker™”. He filed for US Pat. 4,463,648 on May 2 of that year. When comparing the HG-2R pickup cover dimensions of 3.550”x1.100”x0.790” (LxWxH with an uncertainty of ±0.015” in all dimensions) to that of the Jumbo MFD bridge pickup, the former will fit comfortably in a rout for the latter, as evidenced by the ‘SCav-2’. The angle with respect to the string direction is (about) 11° from the perpendicular, a tad less than the 15° for a typical Telecaster/ASAT bridge pickup, with a corresponding slightly shorter distance of 2.100”±0.015” center-to-center between the outer pole pieces when compared to a Jumbo MFD bridge pickup. But whereas those are single-coil pickups, the HG-2R is a true humbucker. It can be seen on the revolutionary Interceptor II, in gold-plated form for the very early ones, and later the Cavalier. Which is why you also hear them being referred to as Cavalier humbuckers. There are 2 ASAT models in my collection with this slanted pickup. The first is an employee guitar nicknamed the ‘ASAvalier’ which has an HG-2R pickup in the bridge position but also in the neck where it is seated in the original rout for a Jumbo MFD, i.e. it is mounted straight with the pole pieces at a slight angle with respect to the strings. The second is the ‘CavASAT’ prototype where it is combined with a Jumbo MFD in the neck position. Note that the pickup cover for the HG-2R states ‘PAT. 4220069 & PAT. PEND.’, explicitly referring to the original patent for the MFD pickup while what became US Pat. 4,463,648 was still pending. Models using the HG-2R pickups were not produced in large enough quantities such that the cover ever needed to be updated with both patent numbers. Also note the ‘HG-2R’ displayed on the wing of the cover on the treble side. On all guitars with 2 HG--2R pickups in this collection, only one of the covers has a ™ between the rows of pole pieces with “ANGLED-OFFSET HUMBUCKER” underneath, in line with the marketing phrase. The Interceptor II and Cavalier-E have it on their bridge pickup while it is on the neck pickup for the Cavalier and the ‘ASAvalier’. The phrase is absent on both the ‘SCav-2’ and the ‘CavASAT’ as well as the aftermarket pickup in the pictures below.


Guitar: HG-2R “Angled-Offset”